• In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger?  What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
  • What is your impression of scientific writing?

My Responses – When it comes to writing, I would classify myself as a creative writer since that is my favorite style, but I also enjoy writing for school and the structure of academic essays (like having evidence and an argument). In terms of scientific writing, I think it is very interesting overall (depending on the subject matter).

Answer this question after you watch the video

  • How do Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
  • What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?

My Responses – After watching the video, I feel more open and comfortable with scientific writing, no matter what the subject matter may be. I also feel like I gained some tips for this specific writing style as well. I really like how he described scientists and how they write what they think. I personally find this very admirable.