Over the course of this semester in English 110, I feel like my peer review process has grown and that I am a much stronger, thorough editor than when I started. At first, I was a little hesitant to edit someone else’s work, but I learned that being constructive and helping someone along with their work was fine, and that when I got my work edited, I needed that constructive criticism as well. I think this is an aspect of writing and english that makes us stronger as writers, and makes us more aware of what we’re writing. When I am first handed someone’s paper, I usually begin by reading through the paper to see if it flows right, and to be sure that everything makes sense and stays on track. Then I dive deeper into their material and look for errors, look at the textual evidence they used. For example, I chose this classmate’s free draft in-particular for my peer editing portion of this framing letter, and he wrote a very good essay, the only thing it was missing was the evidence from La Bella Vita, the choice podcasts and the outside source, so I was sure to make note of it in my final peer review note, as well as in the margins of his paper too. I feel like during the final paper of English 110, my peer review process had gotten much better. I had a lot more to say and more advice to give. This shows how often we practiced this in and out of class these past few months, and that is why I chose this round of peer reviewing for my final Eportfolio.