Intro:  In life, many believe beauty is the core of everything. Some believe that beauty matters more than anything, and that beauty is seen as special, but if look close enough and keep an open mind, beauty can be found almost anywhere. Sometimes in the simplest of places, perhaps a new succulent, a tasteful home cooked meal, or even a clear day with not a cloud to be seen. It is something that really varies from person to person. Here at the University of New England, beauty is something we’re known for and what really stands out about our campus. While this may be said about us, and while we do have unique outdoor scenery (being so close to the Saco River), there is so much about our campus within the coastline that makes our community stand out.

Thesis: UNE proves that beauty exists even in the places where you would least expect it.

Claim Sentence #1 – People and observers of beauty will have some type of positive response to their encounter.

Quote- “Schiller is curious about what is going on in us when we respond with this distinctive, intimate thrill and enthusiasm that leads us to say ‘that’s beautiful'”. (Armstrong).

Claim Sentence #2 – When is comes to understanding beauty as a whole, we should try to understand ourselves and the beauty within us first.

Quote- “If we want to understand beauty, we can’t just talk about the things we find beautiful. We have to talk about our lives.” (Armstrong).

Claim Sentence #3 – Beauty can be seen when you least expect it to be in view, where you least expect it to move you emotionally.

Quote- “It’s not a problem for Schiller if someone happens not to be moved by the particular examples that excite him. What matters is that something does, and that something is what we call beautiful.” (Armstrong).