Blog #6

When we were assigned to read “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott, there were definitely a few points that struck me about the text overall. One of which was when she states “very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it.” This is so true for someone like me since I tend to write everything that comes to mind, then see what happens by the end. When I do this, I end up with very lengthy paragraphs that could definitely be spaced out better. She also noted that “I’d start writing without reining myself in. It was almost just typing, just making my fingers move.” Someone like me can really relate to a like this. Sometimes I will get an idea in my head on the topic and immediately have to jot it down. I’ll get into the flow of writing and in a way, almost get lost. Lamott’s words really hit home with me in a way. It’s something I really connected with and she has so many good points in this text in particular.

For my revision plans, I think I need to make my paragraphs a little more clear and maybe not so long. My peer editing group gave me great advice and I loved getting to work in a group. They suggested to use more text and strengthen the central ideas of my body paragraphs to drive my points home more.


  1. sgrennell

    Strategies you can use when it comes to your writing is to really focus on making sure your meeting all the requirements of the prompt and to connect your quotes to your main ideas.

  2. cbirch2

    I think Anne has a really good point with her argument of just letting your fingers move. It allows for ideas, connections, and new thoughts to come up. I find it mind numbing to try and make your draft perfect the first time around because you’ll spend so much time editing, no writing can get done.

  3. ksousa3

    I really like your points about Lamott’s piece. I tend to get lost in my writing sometimes too. I think it is because I start to write a stream of consciousness instead of staying focused on my argument itself. I like your revision plan strategy, and I think it will benefit your paper and argument overall.

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